I am a Full Stack Front End Developer with a passion for creating beautiful, responsive, accessible websites and applications.


My Go To Technology Stack...

Below is a list of my strongest skills and the technologies I use to build my projects. As a self-taught developer, these are my core strengths, but I'm continually learning new technologies and refining my skills to enhance my development capabilities


I build most of my apps in NextJS as it is a great framework for building fast, scalable and SEO friendly web apps. Its a cutting edge framework and intergrates well with other technologies.


I use javascript for many my web apps, I am very comfortable with the language and have been using it for well over 3 years now. Javascript is by far my strongest language.

Mircosoft .NET

.NET is the framework i first started of in when beginning my development journey and i still use it today in conjuction with SQL server. I love to use .NET due to the flexbility and simplicity it brings to web development.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is my go to CSS framework, I love the utility first approach and the ability to customise the framework to my liking. Its ease of use and speed is why I use it why still maintaining that beautiful modern and clean design.


Firebase is my go to backend for most of my projects, Its been a game changer for me in its speed reliability and intergration with many tops third party app like stripe etc. Firebase cuts my backend development time in half.

SQL Server

I have strong skills in writing T-SQL queries to facilitate data extraction and transformation for SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) reports. My expertise includes designing complex reports using both T-SQL and report builder. I use SQL for my personal projects when i want more control over my data.

Other tools and languages I use...


Coding for everyone

No matter where you are in the world, you can learn to code. Thats what made me passionate about coding.


View my

Here are some of the projects I have worked on, I have experience in building full stack web apps, websites payment intergrations and web3 connections.


Yes I can, I have experience in migrating websites from one platform to another, backend migrations can be more tricky depending on numerous factors but it can be done. I can also redesign your website to your liking. I can also add new features to your website.

Yes i can use other frameworks, I have experience in using other frameworks like React, Vue, Svelte and even .net and webforms. I am also familair with other backends like Azure, SQL and c#. I am also open to learning new frameworks if you have a preference, im a self-taught dev and pick up new technologies quickly.

Depends on the size of the project, a simple landing page can take a couple days, a full stack web app can take a few weeks to a month. I will give you a time estimate before we start the project and keep you updated throughout the project.

You can use the contact form on the website or message through LinkedIn or X/Twitter.